The End…

I’ve been wanting to blog all week.  My heart, mind, and soul is itchy to write, but THE END OF THE YEAR IS CRAZY. To be a little more honest, the students have been WONDERFUL this week. I really appreciate their willingness to finish strong and work until the very last second…or else! I’m thankful to have days that are more laid back because my nights and social calendar is NUTS! It’s hard organizing the perfect schedule so that you can see every person possible at the best coffee shop or restaurant with the most incredible quality time. AH! Thus, I haven’t sat down to write. And to be completely honest, I didn’t know exactly what to say.  I’ve been stuck.

My grades are all posted, checked, and rechecked. Tomorrow is the last full day of school. Friday is our party day, complete with family group basketball tournaments, locker clean-outs, snacks, and lots of yearbook signings. Everyone at HIS needs your prayers on so many levels, especially because Expats hate June. 

I hardly ever link articles to my blog, but this one was too good to pass up. Please read, enjoy, and then pray for me!